Allocation of Funds

This page will be updated with detail for the 2024/25 academic year in September 2024.


PDG Grant 2023 -24


Total Pupil Development Grant


Early Years Allocation


Areas of focus:


Main use of grant is to ensure that support staff can be maintained in order that pupils can be supported throughout the day and receive specific interventions as needed. This includes ELSA support and training in order that we are able:

  • To support pupils in developing social interactions with peers, their communication/oracy skills and independence
  • To impact positively upon standards in reading and ultimately spelling
  • To develop pupils’ social and emotional development, well-being, resilience and self- esteem.
  • Strategies to support parents – increased evidence of home support needed for behaviour - further develop the FaCE project toprovide this
  • To improve standards in mathematics.
  • To encourage pupils to be healthy and ambitious in their life style by engaging in range of physical activities that they may otherwise not experience.
  • To encourage pupils to achieve a sense of self and develop skills in communication, collaboration and mind-sets of compassion, curiosity and  confidence. Develop a sense of cynefin


RCSIG - £4095

Staff release for attendance at courses specifically intended to develop teaching and learning – Partneriaeth – September - December

  1. Challenge and Pace for all
  2. Questioning
  3. Retrieval Practice
  4. Independent and Collaborative Learning
  5. Effective Feedback


RRRS - £9177

Stareway to Spelling intervention provided for 8 hours per week 01.04.23 to 31.03.24)          £4,120

Additional hours to support learners £3000

Additional member of staff 3 hours per week  01.10.23 to 31.03.24 implementing numeracy support             £1,000

Purchase of Jigsaw Health and Wellbeing programme                                                                       £400

Purchase of Clicker licences to support targeted pupil’s within class in the recording of work               £600

Estyn Inspection Report

Estyn Inspection Report June 2024

Please see attached letter

Operation Encompass

Cosheston Church in Wales School

Point Lane


Pembroke Dock

Pembrokeshire SA72 4UN

Telephone 01646 683490

© 2024 Cosheston Church in Wales School
